RE (Religious Education)

RE (Religious Education) (2)

Sunday, 17 December 2017 03:04

Jesus Crucifixion

jesus crucifixion app

Audience: KS3/4

Subject: RE

Topic: Christianity, Jesus, Easter, Crucifixion, Bible

Question: Why is Jesus crucifixion significant?

Author: Jonny Greenshields





This mystery challenges learners to look across different Biblical writings concerning the crucifixion to answer the question 'Why is the crucifixion of Jesus significant?'

To give a full answer to the question, students will have to build their argument using quotes from the Old Testament and New Testament as well as their own ideas.

The task has three difficulty levels -  on easy, students are given 14 slips, on medium, 18 and hard, 20. These include quotes from the Bible as well as statements around the topic to help students understand.

This mystery can be used to help students understand the differences between the perspectives of the Old and New Testaments on the crucifixion of Jesus.

Sunday, 17 December 2017 03:04

Mark's Representation of Miracles

mark representation miricles app
Audience: KS4

Subject: RE

Topic: Christianity

Question: Why are miracle stories an important feature of Mark’s Gospel?

Author: Jonny Greenshields




Based on a knowledge of the following miracle stories from Mark’s Gospel (Feeding of the 5000, Healing of Legion, Calming of the Storm, Walking on Water, Raising of Jairus’ Daughter) this mystery challenges students to infer what each of the stories suggest about Jesus' identity. As well as this, students will need to consider what different interpretations of miracle exist and how they apply to the stories.

  • Match up slips to the different miracle stories: Feeding of the 5000, Healing of Legion, Calming of the Storm, Walking on Water, Raising of Jairus’ Daughter
  • Discuss, debate and think about what each of the stories suggest about Jesus' identity
  • Consider and discuss the different interpretations that exist